Grace Morning Prayer
We hope you’re all managing with, and even enjoying, the winter weather, and are also staying healthy and safe!
As the necessary lockdown continues, we’ll have our Morning Prayer this Sunday (Feb 14th at 10:30 am) live online on You Tube again.
Our link is:
And of course, we will not have our planned, in-person Annual Meeting after this service, but have had to delay it to March 14th, in hopes we may meet up then. But if not in-person, we’ll devise a way to do that online, too. 

The main readings for this Last Sunday before Lent are:
2 Kings 2:1-12 (the last moments where Elisha accompanies his mentor, the great prophet Elijah; Elijah is then taken into heaven, leaving Elisha feeling a bit left behind, to say the least); and
Mark 9:2-9 (where Jesus goes on a mountain retreat with three of his disciples, and is suddenly gloriously transfigured with heavenly light, and Moses and Elijah appear to confer with him — with Peter, James and John all at a loss for words!)
These two moments speak powerfully, we believe, to the challenges of having great expectations, being surprised how things actually unfold, and seeking God’s perspective and Spirit for the way forward.
We hope you can you can join with us for worship this Sunday!
And here is the liturgy booklet: