This Sunday we gather to celebrate and share Holy Communion together at 10:30 am.
Our Bible readings for this coming 3rd Sunday of Trinity are not easy ones, but they are actually encouraging. In the Old Testament reading (Jeremiah 20:7-13), the prophet struggles under oppression but still feels strongly called and compelled to speak out for and praise the Lord in the face of difficulty. And in our Gospel reading (Matthew 10:24-39), Jesus acknowledges to his disciples that their work will not be easy, and may provoke rebuttals — even from within their families –, but that God values and cares for each and every one of us deeply. We are asked to prioritize our love for God, the source of all love, for this enables all other expressions of love to be better. We are invited to take up our cross for the loving kingdom Christ leads us into.
Challenging and demanding passages, certainly, but they also help to focus us on persevering for the ultimate good and peace that God intends to bring to the world.
During the service, for our youngest members, we’ll offer a children’s activity too, and afterwards, we will enjoy coffee and tea together.
We do hope you can join us, and look forward to seeing you!