This Sunday (March 13) at 10:30 am, we gather for Morning Prayer!
For this 2nd Sunday of the Lenten season, we focus on God’s promise to Abram (Genesis 15) and Jesus’ loving and faithful perseverance to fulfill God’s promises, even in the face of threats (Luke 13:31-35). And Paul encourages us to live in the light of God’s promises (Philippians 3:17-4:1), as citizens of heaven journeying on earth. All three passages invite us to be strengthened by our faith in a complex and challenging world.
We keep the world and all who suffer in our prayers, but are thankful that Covid restrictions are easing, such that, for in-person worship together, no prior registration is required, nor face masks and distancing. But we will still provide hand sanitation and ensure good ventilation.
For those who cannot come, we will still offer a live-stream of the service on our Grace Church Groningen YouTube channel.
The link is:
And here is a pdf of the liturgy:
We do hope you can join with us, and pray God’s blessings on you all!