On the Last Sunday before Lent (Feb 27th), at 10:30 am, we will celebrate a service of Holy Communion together, and, thankfully, as the omicron variant is milder and will be fading, we need not restrict numbers or wear face masks. So it will be wonderful to see you all, and you needn’t sign up in advance.
We will still try to offer a live-stream of the service on our Grace Church Groningen YouTube channel, if we can.
The link is: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVa4IiKGWhIsV61Xktuxcog
We’re also delighted that the Revd Dorienke de Vries will join us again, to preach and celebrate. Our Scripture readings for Feb 27th (Last Sunday before Lent) are from Exodus 34:29-35 (where Moses returns anew with God’s Law from Mt Sinai, and is beaming with radiance!) and Luke 9:28-42 (where Jesus is Himself transfigured on a mountain, and then descends to heal a little boy and continue his teaching and mission.) These encouraging moments re-energize us in our commitment and calling!
We do hope you can join us, whether in person or online, and continue to pray God’s blessings for you all!
And here is the liturgy booklet for this service: