This coming Sunday (May 12), we join together for a Service of the Word on the 7th Sunday of Easter.
It is the Sunday after Ascension, when Jesus returned to his rightful place in heaven. But in our Gospel reading, from John 17:6-19, we are reminded how Jesus, before going to the cross, prays for and with us, to be one with him and God, to experience divine joy, and to be protected in this challenging world as we share in his mission of bringing the good news of salvation to others. And our Acts reading (1:15-17, 21-26) also demonstrates how the Lord provides and empowers us to play our part in this.
Encouraging to know that after the Ascension, Jesus very much remains with us in the Spirit!
During the service, we’ll also provide a children’s activity, and after worship, we will enjoy coffee, tea and fellowship together.
We look forward to welcoming and worshiping with you this Sunday!