‘Passion Week’ (18 to 21 March, various venues in Groningen)
Passion Week started in 2014 when ‘The Passion’, organized by the EO & KRO, happened in Groningen. It offers activities for students, designed to acquaint those unfamiliar with the Christian faith with the central message of the Gospel, in the run-up to Easter. All six Christian student-unions will again take part this year. This year’s theme is ‘On the Road: Which Way are You Following?’ Every evening guest-speaker from Oxford, Bruce Gillingham, will address different angles on this central question about our choices in life. Each day, there will be ‘Lunch talks’ on a range of interesting topics by a variety of speakers, discussed over a free meal.
How to help The Passion Team would be thrilled by the support of fellow Christians in Groningen. There are a number of ways to help:
Prayer: If you’d like to receive updates on the week and help pray for the whole project, check here to sign up for the prayer newsletter: https://facebook.us12.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=66e8f1b8ed35f9f123850b76c&id=9af1cd5803
Volunteering: Please sign up using this contact form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfuPwNHG7_NgTHuzakXJphyn54g1FbLZIj0iInQoCyViKmDJA/viewform
Thank you!
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