GraceTALK & Brunch: featuring a bring and share meal and an inspiring speaker on a fascinating topic! Feel free to bring alone some food to share and a friend. This Sunday, Hendrik Timmer, IFES worker in Groningen, will share his expertise and insights on faith and cultural difference. Hendrik observes: ‘We do realize we vary in […]
Friday February 17, at 18:30, you are welcome to come along and try out the Alpha Course. This will be an open evening, with a meal provided, to introduce this course that explores the basics of Christianity in a relaxed, honest, open and friendly setting. All welcome!
Dear Gracers, Before we all run off in different directions for the summer vacation, we would like to hold a BBQ upcoming Friday (8th of July) from 18:00 onwards to close our year together. The BBQ will be held behind the Aquamarijnstraat, past all the flat buildings. The road curves to the left, but take […]
Groningen Prayer Walk this Wednesday (11 May) evening at 19:30! Grace Church invites you to walk with us as we take part in the Church of England’s special Week of Prayer leading up to Pentecost. Churches in Britain and all over Europe are offering all sorts of opportunities for prayer, recalling how the first believers […]
An evening house group also meets on Wednesdays to share experiences, pray, and reflect together on passages from Scripture or other spiritually inspiring things.
Grace Church is a church plant first begun by a group of Anglican Christians in Groningen. Everyone, from whatever faith background and none, is welcome at Grace. But what, many newcomers rightly ask, ‘What does it mean to be an “Anglican” Christian?’ Well, there’s no simple answer, as Anglicanism, even in […]
Passion Week started in 2014 when ‘The Passion’, organized by the EO & KRO, happened in Groningen. It offers activities for students, designed to acquaint those unfamiliar with the Christian faith with the central message of the Gospel, in the run-up to Easter.
This month’s GraceTALK features our friend, the Revd Martin Mondal, a minister in the Church of Bangladesh currently studying at the Protestant Theological University in Groningen.
Everybody is welcome to join Pastor Victor Scheijde for the celebration of Ash Wednesday.