Grace Church worship services and activities are made possible by members and ministers voluntarily offering their time, talents and treasure. To do what we do for Christ and the community, and to build up our church to serve Groningen better, funding is needed. So we are grateful for your financial support!
As God has blessed us, so we thank Him by giving accordingly.
Donations to Grace Church (Groningen Anglican Church) can be made by bank transfer to our account:
NL 67 RABO 03012946 23.
Tax-efficient giving: Grace Church Groningen is a church plant and daughter congregation of Holy Trinity Utrecht, within the Anglican Church in the Netherlands, both of which are recognized non-profit organizations for tax purposes, or ‘ANBIs’ (algemeen nut beogende instellingen)*. Donations to Grace Church Groningen are therefore tax-deductible. See tax authority’s web-site for details: Belastingdienst, ANBI
There are certain advantages to donors who plan to give regularly, over a longer period. For further details, please see here:
Public information on Grace Church required for ANBI status under Holy Trinity Utrecht is to be found here: