GraceTALK & Brunch: featuring a bring and share meal and an inspiring speaker on a fascinating topic! Feel free to bring alone some food to share and a friend.
This Sunday, Hendrik Timmer, IFES worker in Groningen, will share his expertise and insights on faith and cultural difference. Hendrik observes: ‘We do realize we vary in how we see the world. But did you ever notice how your cultural lens influences your understanding and explanation of the bible and biblical messages? Do you understand how your culture is important to how you perceive Jesus? How about concepts like Honor and Shame, Guilt and Innocence? And how do you relate to a question like ‘Has the church lost face?’’ This Grace TALK we’ll explore these and related questions, so we can learn more about understanding and relating to people from different cultures.
When and where: Doors open from 10:30 am. At the GSp/SKLO building (Kraneweg 33, Groningen). The Talk will begin at 11:00 am, with food thereafter.
RSVP & What to bring: Bring yourself and a friend, as well as some food to share with others! For more details and to let us know you’re coming, see: