This coming Sunday (September 8, we gather for a Service of the Word in this Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.
Our readings this Sunday are from James 2:1-10, 14-17 (where James warns those who favour the rich while ignoring the needs of the poor) and Mark 7:24-37 (the remarkable encounter of Jesus with the Syrophoenecian woman, whom he challenges about whether she is entitled to his healing for her daughter; but she responds remarkably humbly but also boldly, to change everyone’s thinking about who is welcomed by God; and then Jesus also heals a deaf, mute man). These readings are very relevant to unveil human bias and prejudice and show us how God’s heart is far more open than anyone imagines, and that He hopes to open ours so we may live better for others.
We hope we can sort out a children’s activity during the service, as we still need help with this. And after worship, we will of course share coffee, tea and fellowship together.
All are most welcome, and we look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday!