This coming Sunday (January 26), we celebrate Holy Communion together on this Third Sunday of the season of Epiphany!
Our Gospel reading is from Luke 4:14-21 (when Jesus reads from Isaiah [61:1-2] at a synagogue in Nazareth, the beginning of his teaching about his remarkable mission and ministry, but also about the nature of the kingdom of God and God’s care for those mistreated and in need) and 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a (where Paul writes about how all who believe [however and whoever we are] are part of the Body of Christ). The Corinthians reading focuses on unity and diversity and the Gospel highlights God’s calling, through Christ, for a kingdom of compassion, care and justice. These speak to us and our calling as Christians!
We hope also to offer a children’s activity during the service, and afterwards we will share coffee, tea and fellowship together.
All welcome, and we very much look forward to being with you this Sunday!
Grace Church Eucharist, 3rd Sunday aft Epiphany (Prayer E) ’25