Grace Holy Communion
Still in lockdown, but soldiering on, and we hope you are doing well.
As we still cannot yet meet all together in the church building, this Sunday’s service of Holy Communion (Feb 28 at 10:30 am) will be live-streamed on You Tube again. Please join us!
Our link is:
The readings for this 2nd Sunday of Lent are:
Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 (God’s covenant with Abram (Abraham) & Sarai (Sarah));
Romans 4:13-25 (Paul witnessing about how, through grace by faith, like what Abraham had, we are saved); and
Mark 8:31-38 (Jesus reveals how he will suffer; corrects Peter’s response to this; and insists all who offer their lives for the Gospel and take up their cross and follow him will enjoy and share life in Christ!).
We hope you can you can join with us for this worship online this Sunday!