For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.’ (Ephesians 2:8-10).

Service of the Word (3rd Sunday before Lent)

Hello everyone, and we hope you are doing well!

This Sunday (Feb 13th), at 10:30 am, we gather again for worship in the church, and, owing to omicron, we continue to be careful, with 1.5 m distancing and face-masks. We can have up to around 40 people in the building, so we do still ask all those coming to let us know they plan to beforehand, thanks.

If you intend to come in person, please do so by Saturday, by either responding ‘Going’ to the Facebook event here or by sending an e-mail to Please also specify if you have friends or family accompanying you, and how many, thank you.

But If you cannot attend in person, we can still of course also offer a live-stream of the service on our Grace Church Groningen YouTube channel, and here is the link:

This Sunday our Bible readings include: Jeremiah 17:5-10 (where we are encouraged by the prophet that those who trust in the Lord are blessed, whatever transpires); 1 Corinthians 15:12-20 (where Paul reminds us that Jesus’ Resurrection is the foundation of our faith); and Luke 6:17-26 (when Jesus teaches of unexpected blessings and woes, that defy earthly perspectives).

All of these encourage us to rely with deep faith on our Lord, who delivers us from trial and tribulation, as well as from the unhealthy attractions of worldly fortune and fame.

We do hope you can join us, whether in person or online, and pray God’s blessings for you all!

Here is the liturgy booklet (pdf) for this service:


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